Chapter Directors:

Tom & Renee Wasluck

Susquehanna Wings WR

Located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, the Susquehanna Wings have been together for over 35 years. We enjoy finding new and interesting places to ride to every year. We are based out of Hazleton, Pa. This gives us a great opportunity to ride in all directions to all that Pennsylvania has to offer.

Our Chapter was established in January of 1985. We still have some of the original charter members. The Chapter may be small, but we are a family that loves to ride together. Most of us have been together for a long time and have developed a lasting friendship. We care about each other. Through the years, we have shared in our families lives, watching our children and grandchildren grow. Together, we have become our own little family. That is why we stay together.

We have a yearly Chapter Challenge that promotes fun, camaraderie, and riding. Each year a specific type of place is picked that the Chapter members have to ride to, take a picture and send it in to collect points for each place, to see who wins the Chapter Challenge. Most of the past challenges have centered around “food”! What better way to get a motorcyclist out to ride?

We meet the third Saturday of every month for breakfast and our monthly meeting. Here in Northeastern Pennsylvania, weather permitting, we usually go for a ride after the meeting. Some of the rides are planned around our Chapter Challenge. Other rides are planned around our local favorite ice cream stops. We also try to plan a few all day trips with lots of stops centered around something to do in Pennsylvania. Each year at least one over night trip is planned so that we can spend more time enjoying specific locations without having to be rushed to return home.

A link to contact their staff can be found below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope, we’re a group of like-minded motorcycle riders and have been riding for over 30 years. The group is all about both fun and family! So come and ride with whatever type of bike you have.

We meet right in Sayre, PA the second Saturday of each month (except December) beginning at 9 with breakfast and at 10 with our get together. During nice weather we follow those meetings with a ride to an event, to lunch or for ice cream.

Yes!! The Gumball Ride/Poker Run! It’s our big Ride-In Event is held the third Saturday of July. You can find more details of our next event on our website.

Our members plan some pretty exciting two, and three-night road trips. We have been out to see the Pennsylvania Elk and to ride the Cass Railroad in West Virginia, for instance. We usually rent a house on longer weekend rides, and all hang out together for even more games and camaraderie!

Events Past and Present

Contact Susquehanna Wings WR below to see what they’re up to! When you find something you like, sign up and join in the fun!

Contact the Susquehanna Wings WR for More Information

You’re going to love riding with us!

While we work to get a website set up and running...

Send Us A Note!!

We've been around for a while now enjoying touring throughout the mountains of Pennsylvania and enjoying life.

Please be patient while the dust settles...